Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Numbers 35:1-8 and Acts 6:1-7 (New Living Translation)

NUMBERS 35:1-8
1  While Israel was camped beside the Jordan on the plains of Moab across from Jericho, the Lord said to Moses, 
2  “Command the people of Israel to give to the Levites from their property certain towns to live in, along with the surrounding pasturelands. 
3  These towns will be for the Levites to live in, and the surrounding lands will provide pasture for their cattle, flocks, and other livestock. 
4  The pastureland assigned to the Levites around these towns will extend 1,500 feet  from the town walls in every direction. 
5  Measure off 3,000 feet outside the town walls in every direction—east, south, west, north—with the town at the center. This area will serve as the larger pastureland for the towns.
6  “Six of the towns you give the Levites will be cities of refuge, where a person who has accidentally killed someone can flee for safety. In addition, give them forty-two other towns. 
7  In all, forty-eight towns with the surrounding pastureland will be given to the Levites. 
8  These towns will come from the property of the people of Israel. The larger tribes will give more towns to the Levites, while the smaller tribes will give fewer. Each tribe will give property in proportion to the size of its land.”

ACTS 6:1-7
1  But as the believers rapidly multiplied, there were rumblings of discontent. The Greek-speaking believers complained about the Hebrew-speaking believers, saying that their widows were being discriminated against in the daily distribution of food.
2  So the Twelve called a meeting of all the believers. They said, “We apostles should spend our time teaching the word of God, not running a food program. 
3  And so, brothers, select seven men who are well respected and are full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will give them this responsibility. 
4  Then we apostles can spend our time in prayer and teaching the word.”
5  Everyone liked this idea, and they chose the following: Stephen (a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit), Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas of Antioch (an earlier convert to the Jewish faith).
6  These seven were presented to the apostles, who prayed for them as they laid their hands on them.
7  So God’s message continued to spread. The number of believers greatly increased in Jerusalem, and many of the Jewish priests were converted, too.

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