Friday, June 15, 2012

Genesis 49:19 and Mark 1:29-34 (NLT)

Genesis 49:19
Jacob Blesses His Sons (Gad)

19  “Gad will be attacked by marauding bands,
but he will attack them when they retreat.

Mark 1:29-34
Jesus Heals Many People

29  After Jesus left the synagogue with James and John, they went to Simon and Andrew’s home. 
30  Now Simon’s mother-in-law was sick in bed with a high fever. They told Jesus about her right away. 
31  So he went to her bedside, took her by the hand, and helped her sit up. Then the fever left her, and she prepared a meal for them.
32  That evening after sunset, many sick and demon-possessed people were brought to Jesus.
33  The whole town gathered at the door to watch.
34  So Jesus healed many people who were sick with various diseases, and he cast out many demons. But because the demons knew who he was, he did not allow them to speak.

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